Search Results | groundhog

Your search for "groundhog" returned 56 results

Groundhogs Are More Than Just Meteorologists

Groundhogs are omnivorous and hibernate for three months out of every year. HowStuffWorks gets to know more about these little mammals.

Can You Actually Get Out of This "Groundhog Day" Quiz?

It's February 2nd! Punxsutawney Phil is predicting the weather, and you're there to report it. Are you going to be able to make like Bill Murray and escape living the same day for the rest of your life? Or are you doomed to repeat it forever?

How Accurate Is Groundhog Day's Punxsutawney Phil?

Is Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog really accurate, or is he secretly giggling at us? Find out if Phil can predict the weather.

10 Animals With Better Jobs Than You

Hate to say it, but some animals have far more interesting jobs — and more lucrative — than yours. Learn about these lucky 'dogs' at HowStuffWorks.

10 Ways Animals Supposedly Predict the Weather

Next time the cat starts sneezing, should you look for your umbrella or check her out for allergies? There are many superstitions out there about animals and weather prediction. Which ones hold water, and which ones are for the birds?

Winter Stories

Winter stories feature the best bedtime stories for kids, from short rhymes to longer stories filled with fun. Find out more about winter stories.

If a Woodchuck Can't Chuck Wood, What Can It 'Chuck'?

It's an age-old question. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck? Turns out, none at all. So what would a woodchuck chuck if it couldn't chuck wood?

Can You Identify These Canadian Mammals?

The Great White North is home to a diverse range of critters. Given that Canada is the second-largest country on Earth, it’s no wonder there’s so much wildlife up there. How many do you think you can identify? Take the quiz and see!

Can You Name All 40 of These Mammals?

Calling all animal lovers! Do you know your mammals like a zoologist does? They're not all as cuddly as cats and dogs, but they're warm-blooded and hairy — even the dolphins! Prove your animal awareness with this merry mammal quiz!

What Mythical Creature Are You, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Type?

When you look in the mirror, you know who and what you are, but do you know which mythical creature you are when you scratch the surface of your Myers-Briggs type? Thankfully, your answers await you at the end of this quiz!

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