Search Results | graz

Your search for "graz" returned 6 results

Can You Match the City to the Country?

Geography has been an oft-neglected subject, but nowadays more so than ever. With computerized maps at your fingertips for so long, are you capable of matching cities to countries?

My Car Is Made Where? Guess the Surprising Birthplaces of These 35 Cars!

Not all American cars are American these days, and some Italian cars are Japanese. Your favorite British car might just be Hungarian. Think you know where your car came from? Let's grab a globe and find out!

How did Nikola Tesla change the way we use energy?

Who made it possible to light up your home at night? Thomas Edison, right? Yes, but without the work of Nikola Tesla, we would be living in a different world.

What are goji berries?

Goji berries: cancer-fighting superfood or overhyped? Learn about goji berries - health benefits and why some think goji berries can prevent cancer.

How Nikola Tesla Worked

Although many still remember Nikola Tesla, his name doesn't carry the weight it once did during his famous battles with Thomas Edison. What was this eccentric genius like?

Russian Army Repels Hitler's Forces: August 1942-January 1943

The Russian Army repelling Hitler's forces put an end to the bloodiest battle in history. Learn about it and other World War II events of this period.

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