Search Results | george a. custer

Your search for "george a. custer" returned 9 results

Beer Ads and Wild West Shows Hyped the Myth of Custer's Heroic 'Last Stand'

Beer ads and wild west shows transformed 'Custer's Last Stand' into a mythical story of 'good' versus 'evil.'

Kannst du diese berühmten historische Persönlichkeiten anhand nur einer kurzen Beschreibung benennen?

Diese Männer und Frauen haben Großartiges erreicht und sind dafür, dass sie unsere Sichtweise auf die Welt verändert haben, für immer in die Geschichte eingegangen. Wenn wir dir die folgenden historischen Persönlichkeiten anhand je eines Satzes beschreiben, kannst du sie benennen?

West Point's 'Goat' Isn't the Greatest, It's the Last in Class

It's a curious West Point graduation tradition – a special award is presented to the cadet who has the lowest GPA. But West Point graduates are proud to get it.

A Monumental Tribute to Crazy Horse Has Been Taking Shape for Decades

More than 70 years ago, Lakota Chief Henry Standing Bear dedicated Thunderhead Mountain as the site of the Crazy Horse Memorial. What's taking so long?

Calamity Jane Rode Hard, Drank Even Harder and Became a Wild West Legend

Martha 'Calamity Jane' Canary was a woman trying to make it in a man's world at a time when societal strictures held women tightly bound to norms of femininity.

There Are Hundreds of Classic Westerns, We’ll Be Impressed If You Can Guess 20

Well, circle the wagons, pilgrim! Make sure your powder's dry because we're calling you out for a Western movie shootout! How many of these rootin' tootin' classics have you seen?

10 Historically Inaccurate Movies

Historically inaccurate movies are laughable -- until you consider that someone takes them for the truth. Read about these historically inaccurate movies.

12 Horrific Deaths That Happened While Filming a Movie

Moviemaking is not a profession without its own dangers, but for all the fake gore and dismemberment in the movies, there are tragic true tales of filming gone wrong.

"Você consegue adivinhar o título desses filmes históricos?

Filmes históricos são obras-primas épicas destacando eventos populares e menos conhecidos. Você é fã de filmes históricos? Faça este teste e veja quantos você consegue nomear a partir de uma imagem!

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