Search Results | gambling

Your search for "gambling" returned 437 results

Inside '21'

The movie 21 is about math prodigies from MIT who used card counting to win millions in blackjack. Learn more about 21.

How Tax Deductions Work

Tax deductions are a way to decrease your taxable income, which decreases the amount of taxes you owe the government. Learn all about tax deductions.

How Estimated Tax Payments Work

Expect to make estimated tax payments if you owe at least $1,000 when you file your federal tax return. Learn about estimated tax payments.

Which Company Owns Which Company?

Globalization and conglomerations make for weirdly interwoven corporation combinations. Do you know which company owns which famous brand or corporate entity?

Game On: Casino Games Quiz

Casinos are like adult playgrounds where you can indulge in one of the ultimate vices -- gambling. Before you put your cash on the line, however, it may serve you to better understand the different types of games you can play. HowStuffWorks will bet you that some answers on the casino games quiz will surprise even the most seasoned card sharks.

How does olestra work?

How does olestra work? Is it safe to eat foods containing olestra?

Are all stock car tracks the same?

Stock car race tracks differ in size, racing surface and track configuration. Learn all about stock car race tracks at HowStuffWorks.

5 Profound Quotes From Russian Novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky

Dostoevsky created some of the greatest novels ever written, full of psychological and religious insight. Here are five quotes that will stay with you, even if you've never finished one of his books.

How Wild Bill Hickok Became an American Legend

Wild Bill Hickok personified the archetype of the gentleman gunfighter in the history of the American West. HowStuffWorks looks at his life and times.

Are These Country Facts True or False?

Countries are full of citizens, and citizens are full of pride, and pride is full of a lot of legend and myth. There is no shortage of information about any country on Earth, but separating the fact from the fiction is another story. Can you guess whether these country facts are true or false?

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