Search Results | freud

Your search for "freud" returned 73 results

Wild World: Déjà Vu Quiz

If you've ever walked into a new friend's home and felt that you'd been there before, then you've experienced déjà vu. If you've ever walked into a new friend's home and felt that you'd been there before, then you've experienced déjà vu. If you've ever ... OK, that's enough. Is it reincarnation? Is something wrong with the brain? What's behind this eerie feeling?

Hypnotism Quiz

You are getting very, very sleepy as you listen to the sound of my voice. How much do you know about hypnosis?

Why can't we remember being babies?

A friend may joke that he remembers going through a long, dark tunnel into a blinding white light – and being hit on the bottom by a doctor. But in general, most people don't remember being born or learning to walk. Why is that?

99% of people can't figure out the most expensive artwork in the world. Can you?

Expensive artwork can reach into the hundreds of millions of dollars. Paintings by Picasso and Van Gogh are regularly sold in the millions. But which artwork has sold for the most? Here are 50 famous pieces with the highest sales. Grab your brush and try to figure out which of these paintings are the most expensive.

Influential People of Science Quiz

These are the people who changed the world's view of the universe and everything around us. How much do you know about them? Here's your chance to find out!

Kannst du diese berühmten historische Persönlichkeiten anhand nur einer kurzen Beschreibung benennen?

Diese Männer und Frauen haben Großartiges erreicht und sind dafür, dass sie unsere Sichtweise auf die Welt verändert haben, für immer in die Geschichte eingegangen. Wenn wir dir die folgenden historischen Persönlichkeiten anhand je eines Satzes beschreiben, kannst du sie benennen?

How Narcissism Works

Are we becoming raging narcissists? Probably not, but that doesn't mean your selfie habit is healthy. Learn more about narcissism at HowStuffWorks.

Do You Know Who Genie Is Imitating in Each of These Photos?

Robin Williams imitates a host of celebs - from classic cartoon characters to famous film stars - in his role as the Genie in "Aladdin." Think you can name them all? Take this quiz to find out!

Does everyone have claustrophobia?

Claustrophobia is the term for fear of enclosed spaces -- it's physical and psychological. Read about claustrophobia and some common claustrophobic symptoms.

17 Favorite Quotes on Creativity

You know genius is all inspiration and perspiration, but it's time to find out what creativity is really about. Read 17 favorite quotes on creativity.

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