Search Results | french-canadian

Your search for "french-canadian" returned 50 results

Fried Chicken, Grits and Oysters: Ultimate Deep South Food Quiz

From the coast to the mountains, swamps to fields, every place has its own little twist on traditional Southern cooking. Take our quiz to see how much you know the area's distinctive food flavors and traditions.

10 Weird Ingredients People Put in Thanksgiving Dressing

Whether you call it stuffing or dressing, it's one of the stars of the holiday meal. But here are 10 ingredients for stuffing that might surprise you.

Can You Translate These Basic French Phrases If We Write Them in Cursive?

It takes a rather keen eye to decipher French terms in cursive form. Use both sides of your brain to translate the basic French phrases that we provide. Successfully deconstruct letters and French accents and you'll score big with this quiz!

Can You Spot The Fake McDonald's Item on the Menu?

There have been hundreds upon hundreds of items on the menu at McDonald's around the world over the years. Do you think you could spot a fake in the crowd? Take our quiz and see for yourself!

How Well Do You Know Canadian Slang?

Canadian slang, or Canadianisms, are terms used by Canadians to refer to everyday things. We've compiled a list of 35 of them for this quiz. Can you name them all?

Boston, New York, Texas: The Origins of These and Other Great American Accents

What does Boston have against the letter R? Why do Minnesotans sometimes drag out the 'O' sound? And what about the Noo Yawk accent?

Cultural Appropriation or Appreciation? Sometimes the Line Is Blurry

HowStuffWorks finds out what cultural appropriation is and gives some examples of it. Also how can you be sure you are not culturally appropriating?

Can You Name These Classic Canadian Wrestling Stars?

Even if you're on the green side or you've grappled for ring names in the past, we bet that you can complete this classic wrestling quiz with a clean finish!

9 Legends of American Folklore

From Johnny Appleseed to Paul Bunyan, figures of American folklore continue to inspire and engage. Learn more about these legendary figures.

How 3-D Puzzles Work

3-D puzzles result in three-dimensional, structural objects when solved. Learn how 3-D puzzles work at HowStuffWorks.

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