Search Results | florida in the american civil war

Your search for "florida in the american civil war" returned 142 results

Can You Guess Which of These Two American Cities Is Furthest North?

From Florida to Maine or California to Alaska, the United States is a vast country with plenty of interesting cities to explore. But do you know which cities are located north or south of others? Take a trip through this quiz to find out!

Can You Guess the American City From Its Most Famous Streets?

Whether you're walking in Memphis, straight outta Compton or in a New York state of mind, the cities you love have some very famous streets everyone knows. Cities can be identified with nothing more than these street names. Can you name them?

Can You Get More Than 11 Right on This Difficult American Geography Quiz?

You won't only need to know the longest river in America, but you might need to know exactly how many U.S. states it touches. Yes! This American geography test is that deep. Now is your time to prove you are up to the challenge!

5 Events in Hispanic History You Never Learned in School

Hispanics have contributed to American history since Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus stepped foot in the New World. Here are five events to know.

How the Cowboy Saddled Up and Rode Into American History

Many think of cowboys as part of the American fabric. And they are. But cowboys aren't an American phenomenon and they certainly didn't get their start in the U.S.

Memorial Day in the U.S. Means Way More Than Barbecue

Today Americans mostly celebrate it as the start of summer. But the annual May holiday has a significant history that's worthy of acknowledgment.

Slavery Under Another Name: What Were the Black Codes?

The Emancipation Proclamation may have signified the formal end of slavery. But the newly enacted Black Codes effectively re-enslaved thousands of Black people.

Why Emmett Till's Murder Shook the Conscience of the U.S.

What was it about Emmett Till's kidnapping and lynching (among the thousands of lynchings after the Civil War) that made the world stand up and take notice?

Can You Guess the Southern City From a Visual Clue?

The American South is rich in history and full of cities ... maybe more so than you realize. We have 40 pictures and a little background info for each; can you identify the cities in question? Scroll down and find out!

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