Search Results | fin whale

Your search for "fin whale" returned 77 results

The Weird Beer Quiz

Brewers take all sorts of liberties with their favorite beverage, and sometimes their concoctions (or just the marketing) is downright bizarre. How much do you know about weird beers?

How Biomimicry Works

Biomimicry is the practice of imitating models in nature to create better forms and processes. Learn how biomimicry influences sustainable design.

Can You Match the Animal to Its Scientific Name?

Scientific names aren't the easiest thing in the world to learn, but knowing them can be incredibly impressive and helpful, especially if you're a science fan. Come impress us by matching these animals to their binomial nomenclature.

5 Little Known Facts About Fish

A fish is a water-dwelling animal that breathes through gills and has a backbone, fins and a two-chambered heart.

How Atavisms Work

Atavisms are traits that are left over from a distant evolutionary ancestor. Learn more about atavisms and the controversy surrounding atavism.

6 Types of Sharks Every Selachimorphaphile Should Know

If you're afraid of sharks, stop reading now, because we're about to get in deep with six types of sharks. Learn more about these fascinating fish — big and small, solid and patterned, sluggish and speedy.

What's the Difference Between a Dugong and a Manatee?

Their mamas may be the only ones who can tell them apart, but there are major differences between these cousins, one being the type of water in which they can survive.

Tiny Underwater Snails Fly Through Water Using Same Physics as Winged Insects

A new look at the sea butterfly snail reveals a surprising case of convergent evolution. Learn more in this HowStuffWorksNow article.

Amazing Animals: Shark Quiz

They are notoriously savage and bloody when they attack, but behind a sharks' vicious reputation is a variety of different shapes, sizes and demeanors. Learn all about the different types of sharks.

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