Search Results | fermilab

Your search for "fermilab" returned 12 results

Muons: The Subatomic Particles Shaking Up the World of Physics

First discovered in the late 1930s, muons are passing through you and everything around you at a speed close to light, as cosmic rays strike particles in our planet's atmosphere. So what are muons and how are they informing the new physics?

How the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment Will Work

The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment will shoot a powerful beam of neutrinos through Earth's mantle. Learn more about DUNE at HowStuffWorks.

What is supersymmetry?

Supersymmetry just might explain how the tiniest parts of the cosmos work. Learn more about what supersymmetry is at HowStuffWorks.

How Atom Smashers Work

Atom smashers are used to help us discover what matter is made of. Learn about atom smashers and find out how an atom smasher works.

10 Animals With Better Jobs Than You

Hate to say it, but some animals have far more interesting jobs — and more lucrative — than yours. Learn about these lucky 'dogs' at HowStuffWorks.

How Warp Speed Works

Warp speed would enable you to travel faster than the speed of light. Learn about warp speed and whether it's a scientific possibility or just a sci-fi dream.

Can we manufacture matter?

We humans love to create. We build soaring skyscrapers from the ground up. We fill blank canvasses with timeless, magnificent art. Can we achieve the ultimate feat and generate matter?

10 Crackpot Theories About Space

Our knowledge of space changes all the time as new discoveries are made. But some ideas about the universe have never really held water – including the one that everything is made of frozen H2O.

What Exactly Is the Higgs Boson?

Who wants to reduce our complicated universe down to its simplest building blocks? A bunch of particle physicists, that's who. Why is the Higgs boson critical to that goal?

What does the Higgs boson look like?

When something as important as the Higgs rocks our world, we want to know every last thing about it, including what it looks like. So?

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