Search Results | fashion

Your search for "fashion" returned 2,859 results

Image Consulting: A Brand New You

Fashion makeovers are not just for TV. Create a brand-new you with these quick and simple makeover tips.

Walking on the Runway: How much do you know about fashion shows?

Are you a fashion show expert, or just love everything about the runway? Take this fashion quiz and test your knowledge about the history and behind-the-scenes facts of fashion shows.

The Fierce Fashion History Quiz

Dress has always been used as both a statement of belonging and individuality. But what were some of the earliest "fashions?" Journey through fashion history with this quiz at HowStuffWorks.

The Couture Fashion Quiz

Haute couture is so much more than fashion; it's wearable art, designed as much to evoke emotion as it is to make the wearer feel fabulous. Take our quiz to see how much you know of the world of haute couture.

10 of Fashion's Biggest Blunders

Fashion's biggest blunders range from celebrity mishaps to everyday fashion errors. Find out what tops our list of fashion's biggest blunders.

10 Fashion Myths

What Not to Wear exposes the fashion myths that everyone follows. Read our list of 10 fashion myths by Caitlin Wilkes from What Not to Wear here.

What’s Your Fashion Personality?

When it comes to fashion, are you confident and daring, or reserved and timid? Take this quiz and we'll tell you exactly what your fashion personality is!

What's Your Fashion IQ?

Do you adore Dior? Or not know an A-line from a V-neck? Test your style savvy with our quiz! Don't worry; there's no dress code - you can take it in your sweats and a messy bun!

Italian Fashion Designers Quiz

With fashion hubs like Milan and Rome, it's no surprise that so many top designers flock to Italy to set up shop. Take our quiz to see how much you know about the lives and designs of some of Italy's top names in fashion.

’80s Fashion Trivia

Whether you're a true '80s kid or you wish you grew up during the age of flash, this quiz is for you! Test your memory on all of the bright colors, hair spray, and showy accessories that came out of this decade!

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