Search Results | explorer

Your search for "explorer" returned 3,822 results

How much do you know about the Age of Exploration?

Do you remember what happened in 1492, when Columbus crossed the sea in the Nina, and the Pinta, and the mighty Santa Maria? Your history teacher sure hopes so. Of course, the indigenous people who were already living in the "New World" didn't think their lands were being newly "discovered" by the Europeans. Nevertheless, test your knowledge with this quiz!

Behind the X Prize

We know who won – top-runner SpaceShipOne. We know what the team receives for that accomplishment: $10 million and an obscenely gigantic trophy. But what about the story behind the contest? Learn about the rules, restrictions, red tape, test crashes, successful launches and the technological innovations that may get you into sub-orbit sooner than you think.

10 Offbeat Things Humans Have Launched Into Space

Humans have sent a variety of items into space, from movie memorabilia to sporting goods. Learn about 10 offbeat items that have launched into space.

Can we live elsewhere in the universe?

If you consider throwing down a welcome mat on the porch of the International Space Station the same as living "elsewhere," then yes. But what about the moon and destinations beyond?

How the Mars Rovers Work

Of course we want to go to Mars. Until we figure it out though, roving robots with names like Spirit, Opportunity, Sojourner and Curiosity are our best bet for digging up dirt on our nearest planetary neighbor. Want to go along for the ride?

How the Orion CEV Will Work

NASA needs a vehicle capable of carrying crew and payloads to Earth orbit, the moon and Mars. Learn about the basics of the new crew exploration vehicle.

How the Star Wars Program Didn't Work

Back in 1983 when the Cold War was in full swing, the U.S. was looking for an effective new tactic to deter a nuclear strike. The "Star Wars" missile defensive initiative, however, wasn't it. Why not?

What's new about Internet Explorer 7?

Internet Explorer 7 was released five years after IE6, the first truly upgraded version of the Web browser. Learn about Internet Explorer 7 features.

Two of Wands: Exploring New Paths in the Tarot World

Explore the 2 of Wands tarot card's significance. Unlock its symbolism of choices, personal power, and the path to the future.

Page of Wands Tarot Card: Exploring Inspiration and Limitless Potential

Unlock the magic of the Page of Wands tarot card. Discover its symbolism and meanings for inspiration and creative exploration.

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