Search Results | europeans

Your search for "europeans" returned 2,083 results

How Well Do You Know European History?

Before the New World, there was the Old World -- the world of kings and queens and wars and plagues. For centuries, Europe has been at the center of humankind's cultural progress (and sometimes regression). What do you know about European history?

Can You Name All of These European Capitals?

There are 28 countries in the European Union (soon to be 27), but there are 50 countries in wider continental Europe. From the big to the small, how many do you know?

How Well Do You Know European Paintings?

PERFECTION! How well do you know the greatest works of the European master painters? Tilt your beret at a jaunty angle, take up your palette and click!

Which European Country Do Your Manners Belong In?

Have you ever wondered if there was a group of people who share the same mannerisms as you? Well if you take this quiz, we will tell you which European country they are from.

Before Brexit, Have Other Countries Left the EU?

What countries have left the European Union? In the wake of the Brexit referendum, learn about leaving the EU in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

10 Ways Americans and Europeans Differ

HowStuffWorks looks at come of the cultural differences between Europe and America, like ice consumption, metric system and portion sizes.

Which Major European City Should You Live In?

Europe is one of the most diverse and beautiful continents on the planet. It has so many different cultures that it's impossible to decide where to visit or where to live. So if you're especially curious about which city you should make your new home, take this quiz!

Which European City Best Fits Your Personality?

Europe is often spoken of like one big entity, but it's actually 750m people with a variety of cultures, meaning there's a city there for all tastes. Let's help you find yours!

Is American Wheat Different Than European Wheat?

There are different types of wheat, but are they separated based on region. Learn if American wheat is different from European wheat at HowStuffWorks.

Arrival of European Breeds Wiped Out Native American Dogs

Ancient American dogs were almost completely wiped out when the Europeans arrived. HowStuffWorks looks at the lasting legacy they did leave behind.

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