Search Results | eritrea

Your search for "eritrea" returned 15 results

How Freedom of the Press Works

HowStuffWorks looks at press freedom in the U.S. and around the world.

Can You Match the Country to the Language Spoken There?

Hola! Shalom! Nǐ hǎo! Hello! Can you tell us which language belongs with which country, or will you be stuck saying bonjour in India?

Can You Name These Countries With Mostly Red Flags?

Red for valor. Red for bravery. Red for life, for passion, for blood and for honor. Sometimes red is even for luck. Countries all around the world use red in their flags, so how many do you think you can identify? Run this quiz up the flagpole and see who salutes!

Try T'ej, the Honey Wine of Ethiopia

Fermented from honey, yeast, water and gesho and served chilled in beaker-shaped bottles known as bereles, t’ej is Ethiopia's most popular drink and one of the oldest in the world.

If You Know Where 17/24 of These Obscure Countries Are, You’re a Geography Whiz

If you have a BrunEI for tiny countries that don't show up on most maps ANDORra you consider yourself a geography expert, click here to see if you have what it takes to travel the world.

Can You Pass This General Knowledge Quiz From 1989?

Is Princess Di still married to Charles? Which Eastern European countries are still Communist? Navigate the world as it was in 1989 with our quiz -- it might be harder than you think!

Do You Know the Correct Ways to Spell These Countries?

Sure, you can spell Spain, China and the U.S.A. But what about all those "-stan" countries? What about those little Pacific island nations? (We bet there are a few on here you've never even heard of ...) Take this quiz to test your spelling expertise, and learn a little geography in the process!

It's International Women's Day and Time to 'Embrace Equity'

March 8, International Women's Day, has been celebrated around the world for more than a century. This year's theme is "Embrace Equity."

The 9 Longest Rivers in the World: From the Nile to the Congo

When it comes to rivers, longest doesn't necessarily mean biggest, and length can be difficult to determine, so the top spot will always be debated.

¿Sabes en qué parte del mundo se encuentra este país?

Hay cerca de 200 países en el mundo, cada uno con su propia historia, ¿pero sabes en dónde se encuentran? Pon a prueba tu coeficiente intelectual de geografía con este quiz de HowStuffWorks.

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