Search Results | east indies

Your search for "east indies" returned 61 results

How did the East India Company change the world?

The British East India Company established major precedents for corporations. Read about Queen Elizabeth's East India Company's ruthless quest for profit.

How Much Do You Know About the Spanish Empire?

The seafaring Spanish ventured west into the unknown to discover a new route to the East Indies. Do you know what they came across?

Your Teachers Will Be Impressed If You Can Guess the Modern Day Names of These Places

A top-seller at any U.S. Chinese restaurant, the plum and soy flavored dish Peking duck is named after China's largest city of Beijing ... Wait, what? Like so many places across the globe, Beijing's former name lives on only in recipes, history books and memories. Learn more with this quiz!

Did the Dutch really trade Manhattan for nutmeg?

Did the Dutch really trade New Netherland for nutmeg? Find out why nutmeg was more valuable than Manhattan.

What Was America's First Terrorist Threat?

Terrorism on the Barbary Coast began in the 15th century and plagued the young American nation. Learn how the U.S. fought off terrorism from the Barbary States.

The 3 Types of Ducks Every Birdwatcher Should Know

There are three types of ducks: dabbling, diving and perching. Wild ducks are classified based on their habitat and behavior.

Does the Higgs boson exist?

As of July 4, 2012, the Higgs boson (maybe) exists (or at least something very like it very probably does).

Jackfruit Is a Stinky, but Otherwise, Perfect Fruit

Jackfruit's smell is notorious. But get past that and HowStuffWorks explains why it's versatile, easy to grow and packs a nutritional punch.

7 'Facts' They Got Wrong in School About Christopher Columbus

Did Christopher Columbus did he really prove the world was round? Did he think he had found a new continent? And how was he perceived back home?

Why did Gandhi march 240 miles for salt?

The Salt March was Gandhi's march to Dandi in protest of British tax policies. Read about the Salt Satyagraha.

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