Search Results | dutch reformed

Your search for "dutch reformed" returned 23 results

There Are Hundreds of Classic Westerns, We’ll Be Impressed If You Can Guess 20

Well, circle the wagons, pilgrim! Make sure your powder's dry because we're calling you out for a Western movie shootout! How many of these rootin' tootin' classics have you seen?

25 of the World's Longest-reigning Monarchs

From Athelstan, who held off the Viking invaders of Britain, to Sobhuza, the longest-serving king of Eswatni (formerly Swaziland), here are 25 of the world's longest-serving monarchs.

How the Euro Works

As of January 1, 2002, the euro is the official monetary unit of 12 nations. Find out all about the euro, who's using it and the widespread effects of having a single European currency.

We'll Give You a Tool, You Tell Us What Job It's Associated With

You can often tell what job a person does just by looking at the tools they use. If you are up to speed with the tools of the various professions, can you match the three tools we’ll show you to the worker who uses them? Get started and find out!

How Witchcraft Works

Witchcraft and belief in magic have been around since the beginning of time. Learn the history of witchcraft, modern witchcraft, Wicca and Wiccan rituals.

10 Impressive Art Heists

Art heists are dangerous but can earn thieves some serious cash -- if they find the right buyer. Learn about the top five most impressive art heists.

11 of the Biggest Lies in History

You don't look fat in those pants. I didn't copy off his paper. I am not a crook. I never met her. Lots of us lie, but what are some of the biggest whoppers ever told?

A Guide to Decorating Wooden Furniture

You have many options to consider when decorating furniture. Whether you want a worn-out look, gold tint, stencils, or painted stripes, make sure your materials are compatible. Learn how to decorate wooden furniture.

10 Medieval Torture Devices

These 10 medieval torture devices will show you how creative torturers would become with their tools. Learn more about these 10 medieval torture devices here.

10 Mad Royals in History

Insanity on the throne was more common than you might think. Here are 10 of the maddest royals in history.

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