Search Results | davy crockett

Your search for "davy crockett" returned 34 results

Was there a real Robin Hood?

Was there a real Robin Hood? Read about the history of Robin Hood and whether or not he was a real person.

Can You Match the Theme Song to the ā€™60s TV Show?

TV theme songs become familiar friends, signaling the arrival of your favorite shows each week. If you watch a show through its entire run, you might find yourself listening to a certain theme song hundreds of times, but even casual viewers of a show can't help but hum along to catchy tunes. Take our quiz to see how much you remember about the most unforgettable TV theme songs of the '60s!

The Beverly Hillbillies Quiz

šŸŽµ"And then one day he was shootin' at some food, and up through the ground came a-bubblin' crude...."šŸŽµ If the next words on your lips are, "Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea," then you're going to strike it rich with this quiz!

The John Wayne Quiz

Feast your eyes upon "The Duke", the greatest cowboy actor who ever lived. But just how much do you know about the legend that is John Wayne. Saddle up and let's find out!

What Fueled the Famous Feud Between the Hatfields and McCoys?

The Hatfield and McCoy family names are recognized for one thing: fighting for decades. But what were they so angry about and why so many years of feuding?

The Major Battles Throughout History Quiz

History buffs who are also military buffs would certainly ace this one, for sure! Do you think you can identify these major battles throughout human history? Take a look and see if you're up for the challenge!

Can You Identify These John Wayne Movies From Just One Shot?

Young fella, if you're looking for a John Wayne challenge, we'll accommodate ya! See if you can name his films based on a screenshot. Shoot 'em up!

There Are Hundreds of Classic Westerns, Weā€™ll Be Impressed If You Can Guess 20

Well, circle the wagons, pilgrim! Make sure your powder's dry because we're calling you out for a Western movie shootout! How many of these rootin' tootin' classics have you seen?

Can You ID These ā€™60s Movies?

In the 1960s, the times were a-changin' and so was film. It was the decade when the movies grew up, made a statement and became art. Do you remember all these flicks from the peace and love generation?

Can You Name the U.S. State from 3 Random Facts?

Are you the champ at your local watering hole's Trivia Night? As an elementary school student, did you pore through your American History textbook just for fun? Put your knowledge to the test with these fun-but-random facts about 35 of our nation's unique states!

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