Search Results | darwinism

Your search for "darwinism" returned 163 results

How Charles Darwin Worked

How did Charles Darwin develop the idea of natural selection? And how did Charles Darwin and "The Origin of Species" change our thinking and our world?

10 Physical Human Traits That Evolution Has Made Obsolete

In Charles Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species, he referred to a number of “vestiges” in human anatomy that he posited are remnants left over from the course of our species’ development over time. Darwin suggested that these vestigial organs are evidence of evolution and represent functions that were once necessary for our survival, but […] The post 10 Physical Human Traits That Evolution Has Made Obsolete appeared first on Goliath.

How the Galapagos Islands Work

The Galapagos Islands are famous for giving Charles Darwin the inspiration for his theory of evolution. Learn about the Galapagos Islands.

What's the Malthusian premise?

The Malthusian premise centers on the issue of whether or not there will be enough food to sustain human life. Learn about the Malthusian premise.

Could you hold your own in an evolution debate?

When it comes to the theory of evolution, many people struggle to separate myth from fact. How much do you know about the history of evolutionary theory and what evolution actually means?

How Kin Selection Works

We're used to taking the phrase "survival of the fittest" to mean it's an "every man for himself" world. But some animals (like worker bees) sacrifice themselves to ensure their species lives on. Why would they do this?

How Vestigial Organs Work

Vestigial organs are like the body's junk drawer. Learn about the body's vestigial organs and how Darwin's idea of common descent might explain them.

Eugenics Overshadows the Legacy of Scientific Genius Francis Galton

Francis Galton did pioneering work in meteorology, psychology, statistics and biometrics. But today he is mainly remembered for promoting eugenics.

How Intelligent Design Works

The intelligent design movement claims that life as we know it could not have developed through random natural processes. Learn about intelligent design and the controversy it has generated.

10 Famous Fathers

Each of the dads on this list is a fascinating case study in how career success intermingles with raising kids.

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