Search Results | dan brown

Your search for "dan brown" returned 144 results

Who Decided Which Books of the Bible Made the Final Cut?

Who decided which books of the Bible would be bound and which would be left out? Despite what Dan Brown wrote, it wasn't the Nicean Council.

'The Da Vinci Code' Quiz

Dan Brown's novel "The Da Vinci Code" was a best-selling blend of cryptography, Christianity and controversy. Think you know the whole story? Take our quiz to find out!

Can You Guess the Book Title From an Anagram of the Letters?

Deciphering an anagram is similar to the feeling that you get when you're reading code. You get that excited, top-secret rush, like from a Dan Brown novel. Can you figure out these book title anagrams? We promise that "1984" does not make the list.

How 'The Da Vinci Code' Doesn't Work

Learn what happened when we took a close, hard look at 'The Da Vinci Code' and how it uses science, technology, art and history.

Are there secret messages in da Vinci's 'The Last Supper'?

The 'Last Supper' painting by Da Vinci has generated many hidden-meaning theories. Could these theories be real? Learn more about the 'Last Supper'.

How Much Money Could You Make on Jeopardy?

We all know the infamous thirty-second jingle that goes with Final Jeopardy, but how much money would you secure before that point? Take this quiz to find out!

Can You Tell Us Who Wrote These Famous Novels?

We can't begin to count the millions of books that have been written since man perfected the art of printing. We've chosen some of the most famous tomes from around the world, but can you tell us who wrote them?

How Cryptoquotes Work

Cryptoquote puzzles conceal a famous quotation behind a solvable code. Learn how cryptoquote puzzles work at HowStuffWorks.

The Ultimate Top-selling Books Quiz

You say you're a voracious reader, but have you read the most popular books of all time? Take this quiz to find out what books have held the world's interest. (And find out why figuring out which books have sold the most is an inexact science.)

What Are Imaginary Numbers?

An imaginary number is a value that's the square root of a negative number. It can't exist on a one-dimensional number line. We'll explain.

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