Search Results | dam

Your search for "dam" returned 247 results

How the Venice Tide Barrier Project Works

It's a recipe for disaster: Venice is sinking, and the waters around it are rising. Can the controversial MOSE project save Italy's famous city with a series of aqua gates?

Could You Pass the SAT Analogies Section?

Verbal analogies not only test your vocabulary, but they also test your brain function! In this quiz, we're going to see if you're ready to pass the SAT analogies section. And we're also going to see if you have a brain. . .

Top 5 Alternative Power Systems

Alternative energy isn't so "alternative" anymore. It's in the news, on political platforms, atop roofs and filling gas tanks, and the options have grown enough to change the conversation: It's not whether we want it, but which kind we want.

10 Longest Rivers in the U.S.: From the Missouri to the Brazos

We bet you're looking up the longest river in the U.S. to settle a bet: Is it the Missouri River or the Mississippi River? It depends how you measure.

How Fluid Concrete Works

Concrete may seem dull and gray. But the superplasticizers in fluid concrete are actually pretty intriguing. How do these little buggers make wet concrete flow like a river?

How John Muir Helped Pave the Way for the National Park System

Muir was personally involved in the creation of Yosemite, Sequoia, Mount Rainier, Petrified Forest and Grand Canyon national parks and earned the title of "Father of Our National Park System."

Can You Match These American Landmarks to Their State?

Every state has its unique landmarks, some of which are more popular than others. How well do you know the ones across your country? Let's find out!

What Is Deforestation?

Deforestation, or the removal of forests, contributes to global warming. Learn how deforestation harms our plants and animals -- even to extinction.

How Much Do You Know About the Worst Natural Disasters in History?

Do you know where to find the city of Pompeii, which was left buried by a volcanic eruption nearly 2000 years ago? Know which nations have been struck by the worst hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters in more recent times? Test your knowledge with this quiz.

What Is a Glacier? Everything to Know About These Ice Masses

Glaciers are rivers of ice and are the largest moving objects on Earth. Learn about glaciers and find out how much freshwater are frozen in glaciers.

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