Search Results | culinary arts

Your search for "culinary arts" returned 114 results

How Molecular Gastronomy Works

Molecular gastronomy is the art and science of selecting, preparing, serving and enjoying food. Learn about molecular gastronomy at HowStuffWorks.

What's So Delightful About Turkish Delight?

A favorite treat in British children's stories of the past, Turkish delight might be an unfamiliar taste to American readers. So, what is it like and how do you make it?

How Professional Development Programs Work

Professional development programs are available for almost every level of employee. Visit HowStuffWorks to read about professional development programs.

Who Said It: Miley or Miss Piggy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep track of who says what! Let's see if you can tell the difference between two divas: Miley Cyrus and Miss Piggy. Can you remember who said which memorable quote?

How to Become a Chef

If you are interesting in how to become a chef, this article will teach you the ins and outs of the kitchen. Learn more about how to become a chef.

How Food Tasters Work

If you would love to eat ice cream all day, maybe you can put that desire to work as a food taster. Learn more about food tasters at HowStuffWorks.

Top 10 Movies About Food

Have you ever left the theater after a movie about food with your mouth watering for the onscreen delights? Check out these top 10 movies about food.

Can You Identify These Barbie Careers From the Past Four Decades?

Who you callin' a dumb blonde? Far from being just a pretty face, Barbie is a career girl at heart. Sure, she got her start as a model, but Barbie went on to find professional success in medicine, business, professional sports and STEM, not to mention several stints as an astronaut!

Bon appetit!: The Famous Chef and Restaurateur Quiz

They introduce us to new flavor pairings, change the way we eat and save sourdough bread from disappearing. Try not to get too hungry as you test how much you know about famous chefs and restaurateurs with our quiz.

Who Invented the Sandwich?

Everyone knows what a sandwich is. Most may even know how the snack got its name. But did you know who invented it? That's a tougher question to answer.

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