Search Results | coup d'état

Your search for "coup d'état" returned 7 results

What Is a Coup D'Etat, and Is the U.S. 'Coup-proof'?

Experts say the U.S. government is designed so a coup d'état would be highly unlikely ever to occur. But deep political polarization can precipitate one, so does that mean a coup is marginally more possible?

What are the origins of democracy?

What are the origins of democracy? Read about politics in the United States (which is actually a republic), the ancient Athenians and the origins of democracy.

What was the impact of the Age of Enlightenment?

What was the impact of the Age of Enlightenment? Read about the impact and after-effects of the Enlightenment Age.

7 Reasons Catherine the Great Was So Great

Her legacy has been reduced to tales of horses and sordid affairs, but the real story of Russia's longest reigning female leader is truly fascinating.

10 of the Worst Prisons in the World

These prisons house some of the world's most notorious criminals. But battles rage behind their walls, oftentimes leaving inmates susceptible to torture, disease and even death.

Can You Get More Than 11 Right on This General Knowledge Quiz?

This quiz is so tough, you will be scratching your head for the answer. Your general knowledge better be out of the top drawer if you hope to ace this one. Let's see how well you do on it, shall we? Good luck!

Pouvez-vous nommer ces marques automobiles depuis un logo ?

Le logo d’une marque est soumis à une double contrainte en forme de dilemme. Il a besoin d’évoluer régulièrement en matière de design pour coller à son époque, mais pas trop non plus afin de ne pas renier son identité originelle. Les connaissez-vous tous?

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