Search Results | country

Your search for "country" returned 6,488 results

The Ultimate Country Outline Quiz!

Every country has a shape, and we might have seen what they look like on maps during geography class, would you be able to identify them if you were shown their outline? Take this quiz to find out!

Countries and Capitals Trivia Quiz

Both New York and London are among the most important cities in the world, but only one of them is a capital. What do you know about the world and its capital cities? Can you match the country to the capital?

Which Country Do You Belong In?

Sometimes, it's easy to feel like the place you were born or raised in isn't really where you should be. We've decided to help those who feel this way or even those who are curious about which country they should go to. So where do you belong? Take this quiz to find out!

Quel pays du monde correspond le mieux à votre personnalité?

Vous avez déjà eu la sensation d'appartenir à d'autres terres, de venir d'ailleurs. Se sentir étranger chez soi. Mais alors d'où venez-vous? Quel pays sied le mieux à votre personnalité? Vous trouverez la réponse avec ce quiz!

Welches Land der Erde passt am besten zu deiner Persönlichkeit?

Hattest du schon immer das Gefühl, irgendwo anders hinziehen zu wolle? Aber wo auf der Welt würdest du dich zu Hause fühlen? Finde heraus, welches Land am besten zu deiner Persönlichkeit passt!

¿Qué país del mundo se ajusta más con tu personalidad?

Siempre has tenido el presentimiento de que quizá pertenezcas a otro lugar. ¿Pero a qué parte del mundo irías para sentirte verdaderamente en casa? ¡Encuentra qué país es el que mejor se ajusta a tu personalidad!

¿Puedes adivinar el país cuando se te dan los países que lo rodean?

Hay cerca de 200 países en el mundo. La mayoría de ellos comparte frontera con algún otro país. ¿Qué tan bien conoces tu geografía? Averígualo al responder este juego de preguntas.

What are the most wired countries in the world and why?

The most wired countries in the world refers to the countries that have the best access to the Internet's resources. Learn about the most wired countries.

5 Countries That Ditched Their Military Forces

As Benjamin Franklin once quipped: "There never was a good war or a bad peace." That's why these five countries have gotten out of the military business entirely.

10 Countries With Perfect Climates

A perfect climate means different things to different people. These 10 countries span the globe and offer a wide range of climates to satisfy any taste -- hot, cold or in-between.

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