Search Results | computer scientist

Your search for "computer scientist" returned 646 results

How Printable Computers Will Work

Printable integrated circuits could dramatically lower production costs and make prototypes much easier. See how they will work!

Will computers overtake humans in intellectual ability?

A computer's intellectual ability is faster than the human brain. Find out if computers can be programmed to overtake humans in intellectual ability.

How Wearable Technology Works

The idea of technology that you wear isn't new, but it's an industry that's exploding in popularity, from Google Glass to fabrics that turn movement into electricity.

What do you think computers will be like in 2050?

What will computers in 2050 look like, and how will they work? Give us your opinion on what you think computers will look like in 2050.

How Zombie Computers Work

Zombie computers are computers that have been taken over by a hacker without the knowledge of the owner. Find out what zombie computers are and how they work.

Could your car get a computer virus?

Could your car get a computer virus? Find out if your vehicle could be at risk of a computer virus attack at HowStuffWorks.

What was the first portable computer?

Back in the '70s, 'portable computer' had a very different meaning. Find out what was the first portable computer and the history behind it.

How Brain-computer Interfaces Work

Brain-computer interfaces allow you to manipulate computers and machinery with your thoughts. Learn more about brain-computer interface technology.

Will Brain-computer Interfaces Make Knowledge Streamable?

Could a computer chip implanted in our brains make the necessity of actually learning anything, like a language, obsolete because knowledge will be available for streaming 24/7?

10 Worst Computer Viruses of All Time

What is the worst computer virus? Some did billions of dollars in damages and lost productivity. Read about the 10 worst computer viruses of all time.

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