Search Results | compass

Your search for "compass" returned 410 results

Inside 'The Golden Compass'

The Golden Compass is a new movie that is based on a popular book of the same name. Learn more about The Golden Compass and how The Golden Compass was filmed.

Which Direction Does Your Moral Compass Point?

Everyone has a moral compass but the direction that it points to differs from person to person. Where does yours point?

Science Projects for Kids: Magnets and Metal

Try these science projects for kids on magnets and metal, and you'll learn about why the two attract. Make a paper clip chain, compasses and more.

Keyhole Saw

A keyhole saw is most often used to cut holes in soft woods or drywall. Find out more about safely using a keyhole saw here.

How the Dalai Lama Works

The 14th Dalai Lama is a religious and political leader who stands for compassion and the freedom of Tibet. Learn about the history of the Dalai Lama.

Good Samaritan Games and Activities

Good Samaritan games and activities for kids teaches how to show compassion for others. Learn about good Samaritan activities at HowStuffWorks.

How much do you remember about "The Green Mile"?

Injustice and indignity are commonplace in this world. But compassion and commitment are, too. How much do you know about the drama of "The Green Mile"?

Rhodonite: A Mineral of Love, Roses and Eagles

The rose-red mineral rhodonite was first discovered in the 1790s in the Ural Mountains of Russia. Today it's found globally and is associated with compassion, love and healing.

Camping Safety Tips for Kids

These camping safety tips for kids teach vital skills to have while hiking in the wilderness. Learn more about camping safety tips for kids.

Queen of Cups: The Compassionate Guide to Emotional Wisdom

Explore the Queen of Cups Tarot card: meanings, emotions, and intuition. Dive into the depths of the Queen of Cups in your tarot reading.

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