Search Results | commune (intentional community)

Your search for "commune (intentional community)" returned 390 results

How to Start a Community Garden

A community garden might be the answer if you're strapped for green space. See how you can start a community garden even if you live in an apartment.

10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Want tips for effective workplace communication? Visit HowStuffWorks to find 10 tips for effective workplace communication.

White Rhinos Communicate via Massive Communal Poop Piles

How do communal dung piles called midden help rhinoceroses communicate? Learn more in this HowStuffWorks article.

How Hackers Work

Hackers with bad intentions make up a surprisingly small percentage of the hacker community. Learn more about hackers and how hackers help the computer world.

What are microexpressions?

Microexpressions, facial expressions that last a fraction of a second, are a form of nonverbal communication. Learn about microexpressions.

Paganism Is the Oldest, Newest Religion

Originally, 'Pagan' was a putdown for the country folk who continued to worship the old Roman gods rather than embracing Christianity. Today, paganism is having a resurgence.

How the Google Phone Works

The Google phone could be the next big thing in the world of wireless communications. Learn about the Google phone and how the Google phone will work.

How Body Language Works

How much does body language matter? Read about body language and nonverbal communication at HowStuffWorks.

EPCOT Was Walt Disney's Radical Vision for a New Kind of City

EPCOT was Walt Disney's "Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow." But it didn't actually turn out the way he had envisioned it.

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