Search Results | columbia (name)

Your search for "columbia (name)" returned 417 results

Can You Name the Katy Perry Song From an Image of the Music Video?

Do you think of yourself as a Katy Perry expert? If you've been obsessed with the raven-haired singer ever since "I Kissed a Girl" came out, treat yourself to the ultimate Katy Perry fan quiz!

Pouvez-vous nommer ces films des années 80 à partir d’une phrase descriptive?

C’était la décennie de Ronald Reegan, Pac-Man, et le conflit entre Pepsi et Coca-Cola. De cette décennie naquirent certains des films les plus iconiques de tous les temps. Connaissez-vous vos films des années 80 ? Découvrez-le avec ce quiz !

Can You Name the Canadian City From a Photo of a Famous Building?

You've visited, been inside and admired them in all their glory. If you live in Canada, you'll probably recognize a few of these famous buildings. See how well you know the skylines with this quiz!

Can You Name the Movie Star If We Show You Three Characters They Played?

Are you an avid follower of celebrity news? Or a devoted movie buff? If you can name these movie stars from three characters they played, consider yourself a true cinephile!

If You Can Name 25/25 of These Countries From Just Three Cities, You’re a Geography Genius

There are more than 190 countries in the world, and that's a lot to know! If you've ever had a map hanging on your wall, you probably got the knowledge to ace this. Find out if you're a geography genius by seeing how high you can score!

Do You Know Famous Criminals From Their Face Alone?

They’re famous for the crime but the morbid fascination begins in asking the question: who did it? In the end, most people want to know about criminals because they look like regular people you see on the street. What if you were in the same room as them? Don’t worry, these famous criminals are already put away, but let’s see how many of them you recognize!

Can You Identify These Canadian National Treasures?

The second-largest country in the world, Canada is full of important landmarks (both natural and manmade.) Can you guess what they are from a photo?

What Is the World’s Shortest River?

Ever wondered what's the difference between a river, a stream, a brook and a tributary?

Can You Identify These National Parks From an Image?

From Banff to the Bruce Peninsula and Waterton Lakes to Wood Buffalo, Canada is home to a varied and vast collection of National Parks. Let's see how many of these sites you've seen — or feel inspired to see after taking this quiz!

The Ultimate Portland Quiz

With its snow-capped mountains and inactive volcano, clean streets and exciting nightlife, Portland, Oregon, is an excellent vacation destination. Take our quiz to learn more about this lovely city.

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