Search Results | columbia (name)

Your search for "columbia (name)" returned 418 results

Can You Name All of These Celebrities on Canada’s Walk of Fame?

What's the best way to learn about all of the remarkable talent The Great White North has to offer? By taking a stroll down Canada's Walk of Fame, of course!

Can You Name All These Movies That Won Best Picture?

It's a test of the "best" in this quiz packed with Hollywood's heaviest hitters! Can you identify these "Best Picture" winners from the past 100 years? The "Spotlight" is on you; put your "Beautiful Mind" to work!

Can You Name All of These Famous Canadian Christmas Albums?

It's not going to be a Silent Night once you've discovered all the Christmas music Canada has to offer. You may know your musicians, but do you know the names of their holiday-inspired albums? This super-festive quiz will get you in the mood for Christmas music in two shakes of a reindeer's tail!

Can You Name More Than 11 of These Things Canadians Would Know?

When it comes to your knowledge of Canada, are you a geography genius, a political prodigy or more of a pop culture maven? This quiz will test you on all the things Canadians know about their country, including its history, political landscape and the cultural events which have helped shape our nation's identity.

How Many Fox News Personalities Can You Name From an Image?

Fox News is one of the most recognized networks on television, but will you recognize the faces from the network who deliver the biggest stories each day? Find out by taking on this challenging quiz!

Can You Name the Canadian Prime Minister From Only One Fact?

More than 20 prime ministers have served Canada over its more than 150-year history. Think you can tell who they are by one fact only? Give it a try, and see how well you know the leaders of the country!

Can You Name All of These Australian Trucks From an Image?

Every true Aussie can appreciate the rugged power and durability of a well-made truck. Not only can these Australian trucks carry the heaviest loads, but they are also capable of handling some of the hottest temperatures in the world. Get ready to put your knowledge of truck trivia to the ultimate test with this Australian truck quiz!

Can You Name All of These Movie Dogs From One Screenshot?

Do you count yourself as a canine-crazed movie buff? This quiz will test your knowledge of the most lovable big-screen pups of all time. How many of the following furry friends do you recognize?

Can You Name All of These WWII Political Figures From an Image?

When it comes to the ins and outs of WWII, there's no way you're staying out of the politics of it all. Instead, see how well you actually know the political landscape by naming these political figures.

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