Search Results | christians

Your search for "christians" returned 1,274 results

What Christian Worship Song Are You, Based on These Yes or No Questions?

If you've ever had a favorite Christian worship song, you know how inspired and uplifted you feel after listening to it. Let us guess which Christian worship song you are!

Can We Guess Which Christian Denomination You Identify With?

It's time to analyze some core Christian concepts that make the faith so great! Prime your precious moral views for this personality quiz. Give us the what-you-would-do scoop, and we'll guess the denomination you identify with!

Can You Finish the Lyrics of These Christian Worship Songs?

Are you really familiar with Christian worship songs? Or do you find yourself knowing a lot of them because, well, they can be so awesome? If so, this quiz is for you. We’ve compiled a list of these to test your knowledge. See if you can finish the lyrics of these Christian worship songs!

Can You Guess the Christian Worship Song From a Lyric?

"Onward christian soldiers marching as to war..." are easy lyrics to match a title to, but do you draw a blank when verses don't contain the songs' titles? Find out how many Christian worship song titles you can figure out from the lyrics we toss your way!

Can You Answer These Basic Bible Questions Every Christian Should Know?

See how many Bible facts you've retained through the years. Can you recognize some of the most common Christian canon? You need not be a Biblical scholar to pass this test. Those years you struggled to stay awake in Sunday School may finally pay off.

What Christian Worship Song Are You Based on These Bible Camp Questions?

Matthew 11:28 states "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." If you feel like life has been a little bumpy lately, then it's time to rest up in our lively Bible camp quiz!

¿Puedes responder estas preguntas básicas de la biblia que todo cristiano debería saber?

Averigua cuantos hechos de la Biblia has retenido a lo largo de los años. ¿Puedes reconocer alguno de los cánones más comunes del cristianismo? No necesitas ser un erudito en la Biblia para aprobar este test. Todos esos años en los que luchaste por mantenerte despierto en la escuela dominical finalmente podrán darte frutos.

10 Myths About Christmas

Christmas myths abound, despite the holiday's popularity with Christians and non-Christians alike. Learn the truth behind 10 myths about Christmas.

What the Stuff?!: 9 Types of Christian Angels

For almost 2,000 years a belief in angels was a crucial part of Christianity. In the fifth century, a Christian mystic named Dionysius the Areopagite claimed he learned the hierarchy of angelic beings through visions and meditation.

How Creationism Works

The public debate between Christian creationism and evolution has heated up once again in the United States. Learn about the different forms of Christian creationism and find out what's fueling the controversy.

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