Search Results | catholicism in the united states

Your search for "catholicism in the united states" returned 33 results

How Puerto Rican Traditions Work

Many Puerto Rican traditions go back for hundreds of years. Find out about Puerto Rican traditions at HowStuffWorks.

Birthday Astrology

Astrology, the prediction of personality traits and future events, is based on the relationship between the planets. Learn more about astrology.

How the Enlightenment Worked

The Enlightenment was a period of major intellectual change. Read about the Age of Enlightenment and the Enlightenment thinkers' impact on history.

The Thirty Years’ War Quiz

The Thirty Year's War was among the most destructive and devastating wars in history. But just how much do you know about the conflict and its participants? Get ready to do battle against our challenging quiz to find out.

Oliver Cromwell Lost His Head Long After He Was Dead

Oliver Cromwell overthrew the British monarchy and became 'Lord Protector,' but was convicted of treason after he died and beheaded. What happened to his head next is a very strange tale.

Can You Score More Than 24/30 on This Tricky Bible Literacy Test?

The Bible is arguably the most important work in all of Western culture, but how well do you know it? Put your knowledge to the test with this HowStuffWorks quiz!

Can You Guess Each of These European Countries Using Only Emojis?

The countries of Europe are among the oldest and most diverse in the world. If you’re 🤓 when it comes to history and culture, do you think you can decode the emojis for each of these European countries? Take the quiz and find out!

Can You Pass This Australian Citizenship Test?

Are you a citizen of Australia looking to brush up on your homeland knowledge? Maybe you're looking to move there eventually and want more info on this country. Have no fear, this quiz is here! Lets see if you'd make it in!

Who Was John Calvin, and What Is Calvinism?

John Calvin is best known for his doctrine of predestination, a controversial belief that continues to be popular in some churches. But what who was he, and what is predestination?

Can You Crush This Explosive Guy Fawkes Quiz?

Remember, remember, the fifth of November -- and find out how much you know about this famous pop culture icon. It's all about the man, the mask ... and now the quiz!

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