Search Results | category mathematical concepts

Your search for "category mathematical concepts" returned 29 results

Trig Identities: A Crash Course in Complex Math Concepts

Fundamental trigonometric identities, aka trig identities or trigo identities, are equations involving trigonometric functions that hold true for any value you substitute into their variables.

How Numerology Works

Numerology says everything in the world is dependent upon the mystical properties of numbers. But critics aren't so sure.

What Is the Real Number System?

Real numbers are the opposite of imaginary numbers and include every number you can think of.

How Math Works

A world without math is unimaginable. It's a part of who we are. It's the analytical juice of our left brain. In the words of physicist Richard Feynman, even a fool can use it. So why do so many of us turn our backs on numbers?

What Is an Algorithm?

When you use programming to tell a computer what to do, you also get to choose how it's going to do it. So, what is an algorithm? It's the basic technique used to get the job done.

Differences Between Rational and Irrational Numbers

Rational numbers can be expressed as the ratio of two integers, while irrational numbers, such as square roots of non-square numbers, cannot.

5 Trailblazing Female Mathematicians

Can you name even one female mathematician? Don't worry if you can't. That just means you need to read our article on five famous female mathematicians to up your cred.

How Geniuses Work

Without a doubt, Einstein was a genius. They're easy to spot, but it's difficult to explain exactly what makes a person a genius. Learn why.

Science and Nature: Fractals

Fractals produce fascinating and intricate designs. In fact, nature offers innumerable examples of fractal loveliness, and we’ve collected some of the coolest ones for your viewing pleasure. You’re welcome.

The IQ Scale: What Does Your IQ Score Really Mean?

The term IQ typically refers to a score on a test that measures someone's cognitive ability. What does this test constitute exactly? And does it accurately measure intelligence?

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