Search Results | california genocide

Your search for "california genocide" returned 19 results

What was the 20th century's first genocide?

What was the 20th century's first genocide? Read about what may have been the first genocide of the 1900s: the Herero and Namaqua people.

Who Really Struck It Rich During the California Gold Rush?

When you think of the California Gold Rush, you probably think a lot of people made millions off that gold, right? Some did, but it wasn't from panning for it.

10 Worst Ways History Has Repeated Itself

As they say, if we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it. And as these 10 historical events prove, humans seem to be more prone to repeating than learning.

Alex Jones and InfoWars: Fact or Tinfoil Fiction?

InfoWars publisher Alex Jones regularly espouses conspiratorial stories. Stuff They Don't Want You To Know looks at whether they are fact or fiction.

Noted Scholar Wants More Stories of Hope in Holocaust Teachings

Is graphically recounting the horrors of the Holocaust the only way to honor the dead and educate the living about this tragedy? Sociologist Arthur Shostak says no.

Goodbye Columbus — Hello Indigenous Peoples Day

More states are replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day. What's prompted the switch and how you do celebrate it?

The Messy Legacy of the Columbus Day Holiday

As more states are swapping Columbus Day celebrations for Indigenous Peoples' Day observances, does Columbus Day still have any relevance?

10 of the Worst Prisons in the World

These prisons house some of the world's most notorious criminals. But battles rage behind their walls, oftentimes leaving inmates susceptible to torture, disease and even death.

The '00s: Top 50 Questions of the Decade

The Top 50 Questions of the Decade test what you remember of the 2000s. Was it all a blur, or can you answer the Top 50 Questions of the 2000s Decade?

Can You Complete These Famous Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes?

Martin Luther King Jr. stands as one of the most influential figures in American history, best known for his powerful words. Do you know his words as well as you think you do? Could you finish his sentences?

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