Search Results | basalt

Your search for "basalt" returned 38 results

Apollo 11 Put the First Men on the Moon. What About Missions 12-17?

You know Apollo 11. But what did the other Apollo missions accomplish after Neil Armstrong made his giant leap for mankind?

Can You Get a Gold Star on this Astronomy Quiz?

Our night sky is pricked with the light from millions of incredibly bright stars -- and yet, those twinkling beams are just a tiny insight into the brilliance and immensity of our universe. How much do you know about simple astronomy facts?

What If Earth's Core Cooled Down?

The core of our planet is about as hot as the sun. Could it ever cool down? That's one thing you don't want to happen.

What's so important about the Code of Hammurabi?

The Code of Hammurabi is an important artifact because it sheds light on laws in Babylonia. Learn why the Code of Hammurabi explains "an eye for an eye."

Can You Name All of These Shapes?

No need to circle the wagons or square off in the octagon for this quiz. We're just trying to triangulate your sphere of knowledge when it comes to shapes. Think you can name them all? Give it a try, there's no trap(ezoids).

A Comprehensive Guide to the Layers of the Earth

Delve into the Earth's layers: crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core. Discover the secrets beneath our feet and the dynamic processes at play.

Uncover the Labradorite Meaning & Healing Properties

Explore Labradorite Meaning: Mystical properties, spiritual insights, and transformation. Uncover the magic of Labradorite symbolism.

Can You Match the Picture to Where in the World It Was Taken?

We've gathered a picture collection just for you! Score big by matching the images that you see to the names of major destinations from around the globe. Lucky for you, you don't need a plane, train or boat ticket to make this fun trek. Take your picture journey now!

Do You Know the Geographic Features of the UK?

The UK isn't as extreme as some nations, but nevertheless, it has within its borders some truly epic geography. It's time to put your geographic knowledge to the test and find out if you can recognize its natural beauty for what it is!

Weißt du genug, um dieses Quiz zum Allgemeinwissen zu knacken?

Du weißt also, wer der erste Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten war oder an welchem Tag Amerika Japan den Krieg erklärte und damit in den Zweiten Weltkrieg eintrat? Nun, wir haben eine Reihe von Fragen zum Allgemeinwissen zusammengestellt, die dich sicherlich verblüffen werden. Wirst du die Herausforderung annehmen?

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