Search Results | basalt

Your search for "basalt" returned 38 results

There's a Rhino-shaped Cave in Washington State

It's perhaps one of the strangest fossils ever discovered. We'll explain how it came to be 15 million years ago, and how hikers found it in the '30s.

The Ultimate Ocean and Marine Life Quiz

Oceans cover most of the Earth's surface. They include a vast diversity of life, everything from plants to large mammals. Oceans represent a truly undiscovered world for most people. Take this quiz and learn more about ocean life.

How Carbon Capture Works

We know that humans are largely responsible for fueling global warming with our carbon emissions. So what if we could seize all that carbon and squirrel it away in a safe place? Well, we can. It's just hard and really expensive.

Secret Words of Scrabble Quiz

If you've ever played Scrabble, you know the way to win is to play words no one uses in everyday speech. How much do you know about these serious Scrabble words?

When Krakatoa Blew: How the 1883 Eruption Changed the World

The 1883 Krakatoa eruption was gigantic and deadly, but the advent of modern communications and mass media helped to make it one of the earliest and best-known modern natural catastrophes.

Can You Give Us the Definition of These A-Z Science Words?

Perhaps language arts wasn't your strongest subject in school, or maybe you're just a bit of a nerd! If you like science, then test your knowledge of science words with this quiz!

The Ultimate Moon Quiz

Wolves supposedly howl at it, a fairy tale claims a cow once jumped over it and legends say if you look hard enough, there's a man in it. Yes, the moon has a prominent place in popular culture, but there's a lot you might not know about Earth's little orbiting friend. Why doesn't it have soil? Why is its gravity so important? And are we really thinking of going back soon?

Turns Out Earth's Pulse 'Beats' Every 27.5 Million Years, But Why?

Researchers have been asking this question for almost a century and now we're a little closer to the answer. Something else to ponder: Every 27.5 million years there is usually a mass extinction.

How the Moon Works

The moon is the Earth's only natural satellite and the closest celestial object. Learn about the moon and some of the theories about the moon's origin.

Why Did the Russians Seal Up the Deepest Hole in the World?

The Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia is the deepest hole in the world. It's deeper than the Mariana Trench and deeper than Mt. Everest is tall. Why did the Russians dig this deep, and why did they stop?

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