Search Results | barium

Your search for "barium" returned 22 results

Types of Fireworks and How the Pyrotechnics Work

Fireworks may seem magical, but the science behind them is easy to understand. Learn how fireworks and firecrackers work and watch a fireworks video.

How super are superconductors?

In physics, you can’t get something for nothing, but superconductors offer the hope of someday breaking even. Getting them to live up to their potential has given scientists more than a few headaches in the years since they were discovered. Let’s see how much you know about these wonders of electromagnetism.

17 Home Remedies for Ulcers

Read about the home remedies available to reduce the pain of ulcers. Learn how to control the discomfort that comes from ulcers.

What Are Chemtrails and Should You Be Scared of Them?

It's hard to look up in the sky on a clear day and not see a "cloud" trailing from an airplane. They're called contrails, though some refer to them as "chemtrails" and have odd explanations for their existence.

How Do Fireworks Explode in Specific Shapes?

Nothing quite thrills like seeing fireworks light up the night sky. A lot of design and planning goes into creating the awe-inspiring shapes we've come to love.

How X-rays Work

X-ray machines seem to do the impossible: They see straight through clothing, flesh and even metal, thanks to some very cool scientific principles at work. Find out how X-ray machines see straight to your bones.

Your Basic Health Maintenance Plan

What should you include in your basic health maintenance plan? Learn about creating your basic health maintenance plan.

How Glassblowing Works

Glassblowing may seem like a fairly recent art form, but it's really been around since the Roman Empire. Read more about glassblowing.

How E-waste Works

E-waste refers to your discarded electronics and electrical devices. Learn why it's so difficult to properly recycle e-waste.

10 Important Men's Health Questions to Ask

There are important men's health questions to ask your doctor. Visit Discovery Health to see 10 important men's health questions to ask your doctor.

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