Search Results | baja california peninsula

Your search for "baja california peninsula" returned 13 results

Can You Guess the State From a List of Its Neighbors?

We're sending you on a Mapquest in this quiz! Do you know which state borders only one other? What about a state with no neighbors? (They're kind of a loner.) Two are extra neighborly, sharing a border with eight other states! Have you got what it takes to name them all? Let's see!

William Walker: The American Mercenary Who Named Himself President of Nicaragua

Before being executed in 1860 for his misadventures, William Walker, known as a 'filibuster,' raised a private army and briefly installed himself as the president of Nicaragua.

How Baleen Whales Work

Baleen whales have plates with coarse bristles for filter feeding. Learn how baleen whales differ from toothed whales that hunt squid and other prey.

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