Search Results | assassination of robert f. kennedy

Your search for "assassination of robert f. kennedy" returned 67 results

10 of the Worst Prisons in the World

These prisons house some of the world's most notorious criminals. But battles rage behind their walls, oftentimes leaving inmates susceptible to torture, disease and even death.

How much do you know about the Baby Boomers?

The generation born between 1943 and 1960, known as the Baby Boomers, differs from any other generation of Americans before or since. This group was born into a time of unprecedented prosperity, giving them the freedom to reject social norms, fight for equal rights and establish pop culture as we know it today. Think you know all there is to know about the life and times of the Baby Boomers? Take our quiz to find out!

The World War II Movies Quiz

Are you ready to battle with history? From Casablanca to The Bridge on the River Kwai, see how far your memory can advance you on the definitive World War II movies quiz.

Top 10 American Political Dynasties

American political dynasties include the Rockefellers and the Bushes. What are 10 of the most successful political dynasties?

9 Political Slips of the Tongue

Much to our amusement, politicians sometimes get tongue-tied. See our list of 9 political slips of the tongue by presidents and other leaders.

How the Mafia Works

The Mafia has controlled everything from the street-corner drug trade to labor-union leadership to high-level politicians. How did it start and what's its status now?

Can You Pass an 11th Grade US History Quiz?

If you're in 11th grade or you just remember 11th-grade history, here's the perfect quiz to see how much information you've retained from class. Take it and find out!

Name the Other Half of These Famous Historical Couples

The people who make up these historical couples were so closely intertwined that we now remember them as a pair, rather than individuals. Their names slip off the tongue together with ease, and it's hard to mention one without the other. Take our quiz to see if you can complete these matches for the ages.

10 Famous Mothers

Famous moms are everywhere these days. Every website and tabloid showcases the babies of celebrities. But the 10 mothers we're featuring were world-changers as well.

9 Celebrity Deaths That Have Never Been Solved

A fair number of celebrities, whether actors, athletes, or socialites, have met strange and tragic ends over the years. While the majority of these deaths have been resolved through the court system, many of the more bizarre cases have remained unsolved – making them perfect fodder for gossip magazines, investigative news shows, and public speculation. The mystery […] The post 9 Celebrity Deaths That Have Never Been Solved appeared first on Goliath.

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