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Your search for "arrow" returned 407 results

The Ultimate Arrow Quiz

Can you pass this "Arrow" quiz with flying colors or will Oliver Queen say "you have failed?" Test your knowledge of this arrow-slinging hero and his family, who aren't all as good—or bad—as they seem.

Introduction to the 1933-1935 Pierce Silver Arrow

The 1933 Pierce Silver Arrow competed with the luxury cars from Cadillac, Lincoln, and Packard. Learn more about the 1933 Pierce Silver Arrow.

Who Built These Mysterious Concrete Arrows?

Giant arrows guided American airmail pilots on nighttime routes up until the 1940s. HowStuffWorks takes a look.

The Ultimate Bowhunting Quiz

Modern firearms make many types of hunting almost too easy. But bowhunting requires much more rigorous mental and physical approach. How much do you know about bowhunting?

The Ultimate Bow Hunting Quiz

Bow hunting is a popular form of recreation in the United States and around the world. The bow has been employed for hunting, fishing, and war since early civilizations first developed the bow and arrow. For those who do not care to hunt, archery can be a great family sport or a professional pursuit with cash prizes. Take our quiz to learn more about bow hunting.

Did William Tell really shoot an apple off his son’s head?

Is the myth about William Tell shooting an apple of his son's head true? Learn about William Tell and if he shot an apple of his son's head.

How Castles Work

Castles played an important role in the staging of conquests and the defending of territories. Learn more about castles and find out how castles were built.

Why North Sentinel Island Is Barred to All Visitors

After numerous attempts at peaceful contact, outsiders have learned the hard way that the people of North Sentinel Island just want to be left alone.

How to Read a Power Meter

You want to learn how to read the electric power meter in your home to see if the meter reader sent by the electric company was accurate. This article will teach you how to read a power meter.

The Ultimate Boy Scouts Quiz

In an era when parents are desperate to find safe and nurturing activities for their kids, organizations like the Boy Scouts of America are really thriving. With wholesome activities such as hiking and camping, and an emphasis on honesty and community service, scouting provides an excellent model for a healthy childhood. This quintessentially American fraternity, however, wasn't actually developed in the U.S. Take this quiz to learn more about the Boy Scouts.

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