Search Results | applied science

Your search for "applied science" returned 1,095 results

How to Cool Your Vehicle Quickly During the Intense Summer Heat and Reduce Your Carbon Emissions

During the summertime, it could be said that the hottest moment between is when you first get into your vehicle. Learn more about cooling your vehicle quicking during an intense summer heat and reduce carbon emissions.

How Information Technology Works

Information technology applies to a number of different careers and fields. Learn more about information technology at HowStuffWorks.

'If I Fits I Sits': The Science Behind Cats Sitting in Squares

A study using citizen science tries to help explain why cats love sitting in boxes — even ones that aren't there. What did they find out?

Could you hold your own in an evolution debate?

When it comes to the theory of evolution, many people struggle to separate myth from fact. How much do you know about the history of evolutionary theory and what evolution actually means?

How Astrobiologists Work

Astrobiologists apply the scientific method to questions once considered the purview of sci-fi fans. Learn about astrobiologists at HowStuffWorks.

10 Weirdest Sources for Antibiotics

Many lifesaving antibiotics are discovered in some pretty nasty places. Here are the 10 weirdest sources for antibiotics at HowStuffWorks.

What Are Chemtrails and Should You Be Scared of Them?

It's hard to look up in the sky on a clear day and not see a "cloud" trailing from an airplane. They're called contrails, though some refer to them as "chemtrails" and have odd explanations for their existence.

Do alternative medical practices really work?

Alternative medical practices are outside of typical, evidence-based medicine taught in med schools. Find out if alternative medical practices work.

Horses Can Be Taught to Communicate With Us Using Symbols

Can horses communicate desire to humans? Learn more about symbolic horse communication in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

Scientists Prove Schrodinger's Cat Can Be in Two Places at Once

A bunch of Yale physicists decided to give Schrodinger's cat not one but two boxes. And that, strangely enough, could eventually prove handy for quantum computing.

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