Search Results | anthropology

Your search for "anthropology" returned 112 results

Binturongs Smell Like Hot, Buttery Popcorn — Now We Know Why

What makes the binturong, AKA the bearcat, smell like popcorn? Learn more in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

Neanderthals Were Actually Prehistoric Picassos

New research shows that homo sapiens weren't the first folks to decorate their caves with artwork. Neanderthals actually did it thousands of years earlier.

Why Do We Scratch Our Heads When We're Thinking?

Ever scratch your head when you're frustrated or thinking? HowStuffWorks found out how this tic became the signal for so many social expressions.

Mastodons and Mammoths Gave Their Lives So You Could Have a Pumpkin Spice Latte

With no more ice age megafauna pooping seeds everywhere, pumpkins and squash had to evolve or die. Learn more in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

How Donating Your Body to Science Works

There's a great need for people to donate their bodies to science but not many people think about doing it. What happens to your body after you make that decision?

Do women have a better sense of taste than men?

Studies have found that girls are better at recognizing tastes than boys. Find out why women have a better sense of taste than men at HowStuffWorks.

Are we at the beginning of the end of Western civilization?

The end of Western civilization could be caused by any number of cultural occurrences. Learn about the end of Western civilization.

Tattoos May Be Good for Your Health

Having a lot of tattoos could mean you have a healthy immune system. HowStuffWorks Now explains why.

Is it love or lust?

Is it love or lust? Learn how to tell if your relationship is based on love or lust at Discovery Health.

The Evolution of Dictaphones: A Comprehensive History

The Revolutionary Recording Device That Changed the Way We Work - Dictaphone. Learn about the history, design, and benefits of dictaphone.

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