Search Results | ames, iowa

Your search for "ames, iowa" returned 44 results

Who Said It: Miley or Miss Piggy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep track of who says what! Let's see if you can tell the difference between two divas: Miley Cyrus and Miss Piggy. Can you remember who said which memorable quote?

Can You Fix These Messed Up Movie Quotes?

"I love the smell of quizzes in the morning." Our memory isn't that great, so we might need a little help with these quotes. If you're a whiz at quizzes and love movies, you're probably screaming, "Show me the QUESTIONS!"

How Super PACs Work

Super PACs are a controversial new development in the United States system of elections and campaign finance. Read about the development and influence of Super PACs at HowStuffWorks.

The Classic Car Encyclopedia Quiz

Think you can write a book about classic cars? What about several books, all bound in handsome leather editions? We're breaking open the Classic Car Encyclopedia to test your knowledge. Is it encyclopedic? There's only one way to find out ...

How Buffalo Bill Became a Living, Breathing Personification of the American West

William 'Buffalo Bill' Cody was an American soldier, bison hunter and frontiersman. But he's best known as the showman behind Buffalo Bill's Wild West show.

How Does Measles Reset Your Immune System?

Research shows that measles leaves you vulnerable to other infectious diseases. HowStuffWorks investigates how measles resets your immune system.

Winter Skin Care Tips

Winter skin care can be very difficult in cold climates.

97% der Quizteilnehmer können nicht jeden dieser Motorradhersteller anhand eines Logoauschnitts benennen! Kannst du es?

Motorräder gehören zu den beliebtesten Freizeitfahrzeugen. Ob du damit längere Fahrten quer durchs Land unternimmst , ein Sammler bist, oder einfach nur den Fahrtwind im Gesicht spüren möchtest , du hast wahrscheinlich einen Lieblingshersteller. Aber heißt das, dass du die meisten Motorradhersteller anhand eines Bildes benennen kannst? Mach bei diesem Quiz mit und finde es heraus!

From Alabama to Wyoming, Can You Name Every Capital?

Are you smarter than a sixth-grade geography student? If you can name all 50 state capitals, you will have earned yourself a gold star! Do you think you can do it, or has it been too long since you tried? See how well you do!

What Do You Know About the Last Month of WWII?

Cut to the chase and see how World War II ends! We promise you will be rewarded with rare knowledge after you slay peculiar war questions. Master these last-minute events of the Second World War, and you shall know the bare essence of today's political relationships.

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