Search Results | ambush predator

Your search for "ambush predator" returned 50 results

A Close Look at the Cuban Boa of Guantanamo Bay

The Cuban boa finds shelter in trees and gives birth to live young rather than laying eggs. The oldest Cuban boa is over 30 years old.

Green Anaconda: Meet the Heaviest Snake in the World

The green anaconda hunts both in water and on dry land, which is even scarier when you realize the snake is capable of eating prey larger than its own body.

The Reticulated Python Slithers in as the World's Longest Snake

The reticulated python has a reputation for taking the title of world's longest snake. While you can own one as a pet, there are some vital restrictions.

All About the Python Snake: Diet, Adaptation and Habitats

Pythons, the longest snakes in the world, are nonvenomous with a lethal squeeze. These snakes constrict their prey before devouring the meal.

Black Mamba Fact vs. Fiction: Mythical Size and a Kiss of Death

While the black mamba possesses a lethal bite and formidable hunting skills, the snake's size and speed fall short of its legendary reputation.


Coelophysis was a sauropod of spectacular proportions. Learn more about the Coelophysis, early Jurassic dinosaurs, and dinosaurs of all eras.

Can You Guess These Tricky Animal Group Names?

Lions and tigers and bears — oh, my! Do you know which one of these animals when in a group is known as an “ambush”? Or which is a “sloth”? Embrace your wild side in this quiz about different yet all bizarrely named animal groups!

How Military Robots Work

Soldiers face danger every day -- detecting landmines, deactivating unexploded bombs and scoping out hostile buildings are tasks that don't always require a human presence. That's where military robots come in.

Cheetah vs. Leopard: Can You Spot the Differences?

Think you can handle cheetah vs. leopard identification? Despite the similar coats, these big cats are built for very different habitats and hunting priorities.

Boa Constrictor Diets, Habitats and Mating Strategies

The boa constrictor is a large, nonvenomous snake known for squeezing the life from its prey. They are not considered to be at a high risk of extinction.

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