Search Results | albania

Your search for "albania" returned 43 results

Albania's Doomsday Bunkers Fed a Dictator's Paranoia

Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha ordered a massive building program of bunkers throughout the country. But their purpose was more menace than military.

How Much Do You Know About NATO?

You hear about it all the time on the news, but do you know what the heck NATO really is? Yeah, no one else does either. Until NOW. Take this quiz, and become the brainiac you always told people you were.

How Many Languages Can You Say Merry Christmas In?

Feliz Navidad! Buon Natale! Joyeux Noël! Think you have these Merry Christmas greetings under your Santa belt? Ho ho ho! Now's the time to prove your Christmas spirit with this holly, jolly quiz!

Can You Talk Your Way Through This European Languages Quiz?

Language is the foundation for culture, history and communication in general. Europe is home to some of the most beautiful and fascinating languages in human history, and in this quiz we're going to explore them!

Can You Identify These Small Countries by Their Outlines?

Not every country can be big, so we're going to feature some small ones that really make an impact. But can you identify them only from an outline? Let's find out!

Can You Tell What International Border This Is From a Map Image?

Borders are not often thought about unless you're traveling, but they do exist. History and mapmakers have a say on how the lines are drawn. Take a look at the pics we've gathered, and see how border savvy you are!

Can You Match the European Capital to Its Country?

From Spain to Russia, to Denmark and Italy, each European country has a distinct capital city which brings excitement and culture to those who visit. Can you match them all?

Can You Match These European Castles to Their Country?

See how the other half lives (lived?) in this captivating castle quiz! With nods to Disney, Dracula and demons, these structures are otherworldly. Can you place where they belong in Europe? Raise the drawbridge, and get ready for battle!

Can You Name These Countries With Mostly Red Flags?

Red for valor. Red for bravery. Red for life, for passion, for blood and for honor. Sometimes red is even for luck. Countries all around the world use red in their flags, so how many do you think you can identify? Run this quiz up the flagpole and see who salutes!

Can You Guess Each of These European Countries Using Only Emojis?

The countries of Europe are among the oldest and most diverse in the world. If you’re 🤓 when it comes to history and culture, do you think you can decode the emojis for each of these European countries? Take the quiz and find out!

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