Search Results | alaska standard time

Your search for "alaska standard time" returned 82 results

Do You Know the Physical Standards of the Navy SEAL BUD/S Training?

Only 25% of those who enter SEAL/BUD(S) training are tough enough to make the cut! If you want to join the ranks of the country's most elite, you have to know the physical requirements. Do you know them well enough to pass the first phase?

Can You Match The US City To Its Time Zone?

Six time zones cover the whole United States, but do you know what time it is in which city? Test your time zone IQ with this timely HowStuffWorks quiz!

Two Truths and a Lie: North American Geography

Alright, you've played two truths and a lie with your friends and they got to know some pretty embarrassing things about you. This time, the only way you're going to get embarrassed is if you can't name the capital of Canada. Wait, you do know it, right?

The April Fools' Day Quiz

If you think you know everything there is to know about pranks and hoaxes, the joke just may be on you. Take this quiz to learn why the merrymaking day came to be, how it's celebrated in different places and some of the best pranks of all time.

Kannst du dieses allgemeine Geografie-Quiz über die USA knacken?

Hältst du dich für einen echten Geografie-Experten? Die Vereinigten Staaten sind eines der einzigartigsten und vielseitigsten Länder der Welt und man kann innerhalb der Grenzen der USA nahezu jede Art von Landschaft finden. Bist du bereit herauszufinden, wie gründlich dein Wissen ist?

How Much Do You Know About Gasoline?

Fuel up on these petrol facts! It's time to gauge how much you really know about gasoline. Learn about the heavy hitters in the oil game, the role that biodiesel gasoline plays in the 21st century and even more facts. Start up this quiz for some gasoline wisdom now!

The Coldest Place on Earth Hasn't Been Experienced by Humans

Iceland? The North Pole? Antarctica? There are a lot of super cold places on this planet, but which one can claim bragging rights as the coldest place on Earth?

Why do groups like PETA oppose the Iditarod?

Iditarod protests are conducted each year by animal rights groups, such as PETA. Learn more about Iditarod protests and reasons for Iditarod protests.

The Tragic Story of 'Sky King' Richard Russell

In 2018, Richard Russell made news headlines for stealing — and subsequently crashing — a 76-seat passenger plane straight out of Seattle Tacoma International Airport.

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