Search Results | aircraft

Your search for "aircraft" returned 732 results

Flying High: The Aircraft Quiz

Manned flight has altered the course of humanity. How much do you know about the aircraft of the world? Take this quiz to find out.

How Aircraft Carriers Work

Aircraft carriers are ships outfitted with flight decks to launch and land airplanes. Learn about the parts of aircraft carriers and aircraft carrier crews.

How Electric Aircraft Work

Electric aircraft are explained in this article. Learn about electric aircraft.

How Solar Aircraft Work

Solar aircraft could drastically cut down on fuel consumption. Visit HowStuffWorks to learn about solar aircraft.

Air Superiority: The Military Aircraft Quiz

Aircraft have been part of military tactics and strategy since before airplanes were invented (there were military balloons!) Check your knowledge of military history and technology with this military aircraft quiz.

¡El 97 % de la gente no puede adivinar la función de estos aviones con ver sólo una Imagen! ¿Tú sí?

Desde el primer vuelo de los Hermanos Wright en el Kitty Hawk en 1903, los aviones nos han fascinado. Y tienen tantos usos, desde aplicaciones privadas, de negocios y hasta militares. Pero, ¿crees que acaso puedes distinguir un avión de pasajeros de un avión de carga y de un bombardero? ¡Vámonos! ¡Acelera a fondo!

Quiz aviation militaire

L'aviation militaire a évolué avec les âges. Ce sont des machines sur-puissantes qui ont prouvé leur efficacité à bien des reprises. Aérodynamiques, d'apparence élégante, rapide et agile, ces merveilles sont des bijoux technologiques qui ravissent le complexe militaro-industriel! Vous pensez en savoir assez sur l'aviation militaire? La réponse avec notre quiz!

Top 10 Animal vs. Aircraft Stories

Take a look at the top 10 bird strike stories throughout the history of aviation. Read about birds at HowStuffWorks.

Can You Answer These Aircraft Maintenance Questions?

With thousands of flights taking off and landing in airports daily, safety is a top priority of every pilot and airline. Get wrenching on this quiz and see if you can answer these aircraft maintenance questions!

Which Military Aircraft Are You Meant to Fly?

You yearn to fly high in a jumpsuit! That could mean many things! Do you want to know what equipment you should fly in the U.S. military? Take this quiz to find out!

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