Search Results | TEL

Your search for "TEL" returned 43 results

Remember Pay Phones? Philly's Bringing Them Back for Free

Since the advent of the cell phone, public pay phones have disappeared, but a new initiative to help the phoneless may just be bringing them back.

What Is Octane and How Does It Work?

Adding a chemical called tetraethyl to fuel can significantly improve the gasoline's octane rating. But what is octane? And how does it improve the gasoline we buy? Read on to explore this fascinating molecule.

How much is too much when it comes to perfume?

Where do you draw the line with your fragrance? Learn how much is too much when it comes to perfume in this article.

Pouvez-vous nommer tous ces ustensiles de cuisine et autres gadgets?

La gastronomie et les techniques de cuisines ont évolué considérablement ces dernières décennies. Les ustensiles de cuisine eux aussi se sont perfectionnés, au point où certaines personnes ne savent pas à quoi sert tel ou tel ustensile! Pouvez-vous reconnaître ces ustensiles de cuisine à partir d'une image? La plupart échouent alors testez vos connaissances!

Square Waves in Ocean Settings Are Rare But Dangerous

Square waves also called Cross-sea waves may looks super cool. But you never want to get caught up in the grid-patterned waves they generate.

Pouvez-vous identifier ces poissons d’eau douce à partir d’une image?

Un peu moins de la moitié des 32 000 espèces de poissons de notre planète vivent des lacs, rivières ou sources d’eau fraiche. Combien pouvez-vous en identifier?

10 of the Oldest Continuously Inhabited Cities in the World

It's hard to nail down the oldest city in the world. Some say it's Damascus, Syria, while others suggest it's Jericho, in the West Bank. So which is older?

Tiny Group of Samaritans Still Practice Their Ancient Religion

The word "Samaritan," might have you thinking of a hospital or the Bible story about the Good Samaritan. But "real" Samaritans still exist in Israel.

Alfa, Bravo, Charlie: Where Did the Phonetic Alphabet Come From?

You've surely heard it in the movies even if you've never used it. So who came up with the phonetic alphabet and why is it used?

Quel genre de moto devriez-vous posséder ?

Si l’on vous pose la question, vous devriez dire oui ! Les motos donnent vraiment une certaine allure, elles sont cool ! La distance n'est plus un problème, au contraire, elle est même souhaitée ! Et le choix ne manque pas, ce quiz peut vous aider à vous poser les bonnes questions et ainsi décider du choix qui vous correspond.

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