Search Results | Politics Image Gallery

Your search for "Politics Image Gallery" returned 307 results

10 Most Successful Third-party Presidential Candidates

Which third-party presidential candidates have been most successful? Learn about the 10 most successful third-party presidential candidates.

How the Dalai Lama Works

The 14th Dalai Lama is a religious and political leader who stands for compassion and the freedom of Tibet. Learn about the history of the Dalai Lama.

Why do people vote?

Why do people vote? Find out what motivates people to vote in elections.

How the Watergate Scandal Worked

Watergate redefined the role of the media in American politics. Learn about the Watergate break-in and how Watergate changed the country.

How Google Earth Works

Google Earth is a popular online mapping program that is free to download. Find out how Google Earth works and learn about Google Earth's basic functions.

How the Emancipation Proclamation Worked

While Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation didn't free the slaves, it was a crucial political move. Read about the Emancipation Proclamation.

How the Tea Party Works

The Tea Party started as a grassroots movement that has gained momentum. Learn about the politics of the Tea Party.

Baby Boomers: All You Ever Needed to Know

Baby Boomers, the generation born 1946-1964 redefines aging. Learn about the cultural, political and economic impact of Baby Boomers.

There Are No Art Movements Today, Says Michael Rooks of Atlanta's High Museum

We're all at least passingly familiar with the art movements of the past – impressionism, dada, pop, cubism – but what are today's movements called? Turns out, pinning them down is a bit tricky.

How Abortion Works

Abortion issues make every politican's platform, but what about the procedure behind the politics? What happens during an abortion and after one?

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