Your search for "ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE" returned 563 results

How Electricity Works

Electricity surrounds us and can be used thousands of different ways. Learn about the basics of electricity, from generators and electrical circuits to voltage and currents.

Inside an Electric Toaster

Ever wonder what's inside your electric toaster? We've taken apart one for you to see, so take a look at these electric toaster pictures to get started.

How Electric Cars Work

Sales of electric cars keep soaring and the technology just keeps getting better. So how do electric cars work and just how green are they?

Will I get shocked if I drive an electric car through a big puddle?

If you drive an electric vehicle, should you be concerned with electric vehicle safety? Find out why it's important to understand electric vehicle safety.

What if I stuck my finger in an electrical outlet?

Injuries from electrical outlets can injure, maim, or even kill you. Find out exactly what could happen if you stick your finger in an outlet.

How to Trace Electrical Wiring in a Wall

Tracing electrical wiring in walls can be tricky, and it involves more than just looking for the wires themselves. But with the right tools in hand, you can do it and leave no damage behind.

10 Technologies That Help Buildings Resist Earthquakes

Bend but don't break: That's the idea behind many of these temblor-thwarting technologies. They may even allow a building's inhabitants to walk out unharmed and start picking up the pieces after the earthquake subsides.

How to Understand Different Types of Outlets

If you're planning to do renovations in your home, it's important that you can distinguish the many types of outlets. This article will help you learn how to understand electrical outlets and avoid unexpected hazards.

Can an Electric Eel Kill You?

Electric eels can shock and kill animals in surrounding waters, but could they take down a human? Find out if electric eels can kill you.

How to Do Home Electrical Repairs

Home electrical repairs -- including replacing wall receptacles and rewiring lamps -- can be done by most do-it-yourselfers. Learn how.

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