Search Results | CRS

Your search for "CRS" returned 150 results

What was the first crossover vehicle?

What was the first crossover vehicle? Learn about the first crossover vehicle at HowStuffWorks.

Can hybrid engines create more power?

Can hybrid engines create more power? Find out if hybrid engines can create more power at HowStuffWorks.

What Is a Crossover Car?

The evolution of the basic idea of a crossover vehicle follows relatively clear path. And it's along that path where the term crossover sees its first use in print. Do you know who said it first?

Quiz: What has more horsepower?

Put two things side by side, and decide which one has more horsepower — that's what this quiz is all about. It's like drag racing in quiz form!

How Land Trusts Work

Land trusts have been used for both good and bad. Find out the pros and cons of land trusts at HowStuffWorks.

Can You Name All of These JDM Cars from a Photo?

The Japanese domestic car market is filled with vehicles not seen in the rest of the world and others that are more familiar. Can you identify them?

Top 10 Ways to Prevent Nail Biting

There are ways to prevent nail biting. Visit HowStuffWorks to see the top 5 ways to prevent nail biting.

1966 Harley-Davidson Sprint

The 1966 Harley-Davidson Sprint was created by Harley-Davidson and Aermacchi of Italy. Learn more about the 1966 Harley-Davidson Sprint motorcycle.

Can You Identify the Best Selling Cars in Canada?

When you have to deal with icy winter roads, the 400 series highways and those morning line-ups at the local Timmies you need to make sure you're picking the right car. Can you guess which cars your fellow Canadians have been choosing? Take the quiz and see!

97% der Quizteilnehmer können nicht jeden dieser Motorradhersteller anhand eines Logoauschnitts benennen! Kannst du es?

Motorräder gehören zu den beliebtesten Freizeitfahrzeugen. Ob du damit längere Fahrten quer durchs Land unternimmst , ein Sammler bist, oder einfach nur den Fahrtwind im Gesicht spüren möchtest , du hast wahrscheinlich einen Lieblingshersteller. Aber heißt das, dass du die meisten Motorradhersteller anhand eines Bildes benennen kannst? Mach bei diesem Quiz mit und finde es heraus!

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