Search Results | Airplane Image Gallery

Your search for "Airplane Image Gallery" returned 192 results

How Airplanes Work

More than 100 years ago the Wright brothers made their historic first flight in Kitty Hawk, N.C. Even after all these years, their creation still boggles the mind: How can something so heavy take to the air?

Classic Airplanes

Every one of these classic airplanes was the product of loving care of an intelligent design team doing the best work of their era. Learn how aviation evolved and find links to classic airplane profiles, from the early years through today's jet age.

Yakovlev Yak-9

The Russian Yakovlev Yak-9 was faster and more maneuverable than many other planes. The Yak-9 model also featured more metal in the structure, so it was lighter and more maneuverable than earlier iterations. Read more specs for the Yak-9 airplane.

Ford Tri-Motor

The Ford Tri-Motor was a classic airplane used for military and other applications. See specifications for this classic airplane.

North American B-25 Mitchell

The North American B-25 Mitchell was efficient, easy to manufacture and repair, and able to do any job assigned to it. No other twin-engine bomber of World War II saw greater production. Learn the specifications and uses for this handsome bomber.

How Autopilot Works

Autopilot is a sophisticated system that can perform the same duties that a pilot can. Learn about autopilot and find out how autopilot controls a plane.

Watch Your Six: Military Jet Pictures

This military jets image gallery shows some of the planes used by the U.S. Air Force. Take a flight through these military jet pictures.

Junkers Ju 87 Stuka

The name for the Junkers Ju 87 Stuka derived from Sturzkampfflugzeug, the generic German word for dive-bomber. So famous was the Junkers Ju 87 that the term Stuka came to be identified with it in Western eyes. Read the specs and uses for the Stuka.

Why would someone fly an airplane into a hurricane?

Flying airplanes into hurricanes sounds like a movie stunt, but it's a legitimate way of getting weather data. Read about flying airplanes into hurricanes.

Curtiss P-40 Warhawk

The Curtiss P-40 Warhawk is one of the best-liked airplanes of World War II, tough and virtually trouble-free, though its performance was never quite up to that of its opponents. Read about this most important American fighter plane of 1942-1943.

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