Search Results | APA

Your search for "APA" returned 97 results

What is OSB?

OSB stands for oriented strand board -- it's a competitor for plywood. So how do the two products stack up? Learn more about osb.


Plywood is often better than lumber for some jobs. Learn about the various grades of plywood -- both interior and exterior.

Why are eyewitnesses unreliable?

Why are eyewitnesses unreliable? Find out why eyewitness accounts aren't always accurate or reliable.

Deepak Chopra Wants Us to 'Let Go and Flow' in 2022

We talked to Deepak Chopra about how to deal with the stress of 2022 and another year of COVID-19, and whether meditation can relieve the weight that goes along with it.

How Vitamin B12 Works

Vitamin B12 acts differently than other vitamins. Learn how it prevents pernicious anemia and why you need intrinsic factor to avoid a B12 deficiency.

How accurate is our mental image of ourselves?

Mental image is how you see yourself. Learn about positive and negative mental image and how to foster a healthy, accurate self-image.

What are microexpressions?

Microexpressions, facial expressions that last a fraction of a second, are a form of nonverbal communication. Learn about microexpressions.

10 Home Remedies for Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is not life threatening, but the sores it produces can certainly be painful. HowStuffWorks gives 10 home remedies for genital herpes.

How to Deal With an Unfair Boss

Want to know how to deal with an unfair boss? Visit HowStuffWorks to learn how to deal with an unfair boss.

Can optimism make you healthier?

Optimism is a nice trait to have. But can optimism make you healthier as it helps you look on the bright side? Find out at HowStuffWorks.

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